miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

My dream future jobs

Hello everyone, if you ask me about what is my dream future job, I think that I'll give you a doble answer... let me explain you...

Since a couple of year ago, I started as a bakery, not professional, I'm a self taught. So, I got a friend, she was a gluten intolerant, and she was always eating rice cookies that doesn't even like her, but she had no option ... She was very nice with me, so  I decide to make her a gift... I prepareed her a box of cupcakes (I'm a cupcake lover haha, I think that they're so pretty). I baked it with rice flour and specially selected ingredients, and of course being carefull with the cross contamination, because I didn't want her to get a bad surprise... 

So when I finally give her the cupcakes she started to cry, she was very thankfull because she had never eating something like that without being afraid of getting sick... The next day she wrote me a beautiful letter, I could never imagine how important was that for her... So since day that day I dream with open a bakery shop that serves cakes for everyone, diabetics, gluten intolerants, vegans, lactose intolerant, etc. I like to imagine that maybe that would make a lot of people very happy, bringing them the oportunity to share moments... I'd like to open it in Santiago, or maybe Valparaiso...

And my other dream job it's relationed with the architecture, I want to participate at a NGO, something like "Building trust", they bring architecture to people who needs it,  I like that they make what people need, with materials that belongs to the places and the help of the local people, it's like a friendly work around the world :)  It's not luxury architecure, and it doesn't has the purpose of be a famous icon of architecture, they just respect the traditions of the communities, and I would like to travel, but I'll be happy to help on Chile too... but I still want to travel haha. I don't think too much about the money, I mean, it's really important, but the pursuit of money isn't the purpose of my life, so I don't want it to stop me.

3 comentarios:

  1. wow, really interesting. Maybe theres a way to combine them.

  2. I think that the main job is to use the sensibilities. You did that with your friend (very nice action, by the way) in a bakery work, and it's possible to do too with building trust. Very nice Arlen

  3. I knew it about your skills on baking! lets become diabetics!
