miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

FAU Architecture teaching methods

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to talk to you about a few things that I think that should change in our career...
I'm really in love with architecture, I have no doubts that this is my major and I want to get it even thought it cost me a lot of time. because I'm waiting for the part that comes after this years of study... anyway, I have to say this 'cause I feel really disappointed about how we learn our career, I know that there's a lot of things that could get better at the faculty facilities and the use of technology, even with the time that we spend here (that often it's like a subhuman manner), but what really angers me it the way that the subjects are planned in relation of the times and importance...

I’m talking about the (forgotten) theory subjects…

Resultado de imagen para estudiante dormido en clase

Being honest these are my favorite subjects, because I can really study about architecture and what it means in the real world (let’s be honest, in workshop most of time we don’t know where are we going, it all goes by trials and mistakes, and it’s good in a way, but it’s not everything), the relations between the architecture and politics, art, the environment and a lot of other things that are very interesting and necessary for the students… But we have to spend so many time at workshop (16 hours of class, not counting the time that we send working at fau or in our homes for it) and we are so busy that we can’t sleep, and guess what… we got slept in these classes or we just don’t give them the necessary time to learn, neither the necessary importance to make good works or essays ‘cause we’re just trying to not-fail the subject…

 Resultado de imagen para conocimientos

I think that it’s wrong and unfair for us as students but for teachers too… they are giving us knowledge that we can’t take advantage of and that’s really sad, because it creates incomplete students…
That’s all, thanks for reading

6 comentarios:

  1. I think that you´re right about the neccesity of some more theorical classes it´s true that we also need some empirical knowledge

  2. I agree with you, workshop is a big monster that eats all of the other classes, and we need it too. I hope that it changes

  3. That's so true! It always happens to me that I really want to pay attention to the theory classes, but I'm so tired that I fall asleep :(
